C (oont.) 10 
jagdzeit   ... 
  p. 256 
  p. 414 
  p. 294 
  p. 257 
  p. 258 
  p. 259 
p    7 21 
p. 722 
  p. 279 
  p. 280 
  p. 25 
  p. 259 
  p. 260 
7ote on book. Das Auerwild, seine J     Hd, 3iee une 
F l ýe 0, by "dvmFL C iynk g77 udenyinm  7e um nn V 397 , 162
",3i1rwild imorted 20 years ego into 1ewfoundlan4, Ils 
oolmtie itself. ':Tow found everywhere in island. 
Prof. Jtnotek: -le Ibldhner und mire egad im oooi- 
Gives an sooount of % /uerbe in e3oais and Jerbis 
P. WI TIas  : -s esiutige Vorkoven Yon Tetro tetrix 
It~irk~lubn) 1m'. Y~au~s.a 
Bi'khuhn present 1rom 18q7 till 1867. Tn next few 
yemrn dnareesed till 1172. 73 none at all, 
,uthor tholight at first tlet birds had ochned their 
setnds - but. sw it vms the beginning of the dyin out 
of 3irluhu,. 
Considers various reasons, 
  not       too m-uo     7ot too muoh oultivation. 
3nnot himself g;ve any ndeqamte reason. 
Von - ow: Ueber V-e        , Verminderiug van A usrottung 
           der wildlebenden Tiere. 
Aooliiutisation should slways be attempted with mny 
birds.   oeek ones 1a1l off. 
Aoolimition can only  b regarded as suooeeesfal after 
Yny geoertions. 
t1r:cut des- -3rkwild her" ; *oe.0 
-I3irkwild diasppesrinC from 11'ý!nnover. 
%rkxwiU disppeered 50 years ano from ?yinr.eru, how 
presnt again. 
BiTkwildstand und 7agsin den lonnoversohen "eiden v, 
Constant deoru sso 
          2) Inoreree of bhor. 
          3) ailare in artificial breeding 
          4) Arti~ficial wxnur, Formful.