Copies to Grang             Mi~ Nebraska                     12123/30 
          fZrwineton             cycle 1,*ldr. 
                                 Prairie Chicken 
        xI an address by II         In Madison. fleomber 20. he stated 
thaif~ quail rare exceedingly       in In N'ebras. -previous to 1990.

In. 1930 or 199l a severe sleet som~ in apriw killed mosto them, an~d he

persomal~y fourl==ru     frze cvies. After tlhis3 storp. there wvere no 
naail left ezomt aloa  the river bottos, weres previously ty were 
scttered all throug      the  hraws rhich had switch willow cover. He oould

not      ber how loe- revious to 19%0 the          lasted or now soon 
after          was recovered. The hole thti   saýls to me lik   an

irotion (see orth central re-ort). 
        Sstated that when "ebras            wa Covered ,with buffalo

,rass on the uplds, porarie ie-.ens were confined to the river bottoms. 
After the Pexternination of the buffalo caused the Wuffiao ,grasf. to be
polaced by bluestea. they be wra ide.,roal AM exseedinfly aulnt.    Th¶is

that a settler plo d a strip arind his claim, evidently for the   ,poe 
of mr      it, I nd seeded wheat in the plo-e     . H   states that he 
has frequently fill a won box of a                        drin "on with
hckens duria - a 
few hours shooting in m.-king alon these hedg-rows- Re said he could re-

member no flctuat ons. 
~Al do Leopold.