Faw Solls Dtu14bd 
                                         Marc 22, 1934 
Mr. H. H, Manald 
031/)Tavto St. 
Daa, Texas 
Dear Mr. MacDonald: 
         I    4 Pad to bave your letter of March 12. 
         e Biologgial Smvy issms a direotor7 of 
oonservation orgauiaionu entitled 40"ficials and Ogan 
isations ,oncerne4 with Wild-Ltfe Prtotienn    1933," I 
have no extra ooptes, bnt ym mm- sM for it -ir~eotl  to 
the Surveq 
         I am s    I cnot accpt 7onr kd1M Offer of an 
  exhnobeoau    M "Gm   Maaeet" is handle4 ent irel.y 
by the publishrs an I have no copies. I a.. howevr, 
sending you a opy of m "Game       an a prospectus of 
         I &wait the appesmee of your wo  with much 
                         Yours sincerely, 
                           bi Charge, GameRseac 