aerve   p .. es wCtion s tan with ý   to te r~et toyv&   o   
in the Suther App     elai anoS  madjuanent of be  4siei of o xistin  7tiový:

w  also neerY af this        ovtution fIU rstd in th  intnt 1f 
mIi~SSon hich reoo  en d the ront Gh~p. in the east bounar Of to 'rellou.

Naitional Park, whic were udopted. Aithin the past tw bars, hover, iegil~a

ws assad in rOes (public A~t No0  %, 71st CGleO5, E;           l467,  apiproY

Fea~y 14, 1  }1) wich ona   a rider lt-o'i(in the  daw  of ,I] a 
in the $equea tston_ Forst to be de4 to the Nationbl Par         ono yJl)
or this land had tecetly been acquired by te    o      Soiie tep ia, 
iegisltion. ie rider was net diseusasd in debate nor a Its existent÷
k~o v 
the Fores .rvioe. Aeting ere~ary fixon on Jbaue i9, l9ZiI stated that rol-

-tion wou]A no1 e submt ted to the Preldent r.garding this iwoo sd addlto

out firmt eonltin1_ the     ricltura Deportnot     On  arch D, 1Xv    he
vice ezssid thee lands and reoe     nded aaeinst the    frnsr on the x--
Wthe necessity for the propoeed ohon~e in statue of the lands is not stflid

clear to warrant endorseint of the proposal This remined the otfflei.i o
of the Forest Srvice end th8 transfer was wver agred upon. nr saentiow 
Forest 11rvce, yet on     Jut l, 193   the    esident eiged the proclrto

ferrin .t Sores of nation foieat lend to the !omemto fltional Perk. 
action to m; mind is a clear  iolaion of the ,oAertiVO sit wich You1d M 
thee  ranusfers, ýhe  eside t Z9 in no way to blam, as he acted upn
a t> 
receivedfrora Secretary Wilbur who was in Califoia at the ti       a  i 
a~sse, as must Secretay Wibur, tt the consent of the oea Sice hod t; 
ebtaiuled, which it had not, 
        I "m ruli tse statiM.   as a pirivets citie  deeply int,)e!
en~husiastic about Ntlene3. ik an s oousrvtion. Thr ae certain ao 
ra of courtey and honor     -ich 'ak t  vrn psblie offaicals, and re d 
is no J1ustified. I hae equsted and r      ived oertain statents of faet-
peonally on my esten tip and by COrrespenCnCe   but h    inilatIve in IR1

setter is mine alone. There are still othr instaces of mieu      esenitiou
I uncoverad within te last year, one concerning a bil jnt     uced at i.
request by BepresentsitiVe Tinbarlake of Qolora-do coruhrnlq an addtioa to
thie o( 
"Mount)ain National Park, whilihe letter withdrew after learnin that
the rg&1 a 
pose of the bill ,ws other than wtha he ha been iven to eWetan4 
vation 15 te be coucted by the respctive    )p~   tsn of Agiculue end Int®io

"ian efficient m er, tr must be stie   ito       d dealin;i in the 
That te FO.st  rvic has b1ee  straihtforsad is my belief bzaed oe an  hti
acquaintace of ) yýears -ot ony wi h the for au      Avesiw  Chief
ostre  all 
w    hom re sal fore6siers, but with t e very lare s e   of foIsters in irpa.

lii~te positions with wom I am perealy acqua:i          d, either from 
as suns in thi   ichzol or from othb  oOntae- in t* field, The go4 falW o
ths. win i. dependent, first on their petrsonal eheraote, second, on t  
of the profession with whi*h they have beýn inculoated, and third,
uuon te tird, to 
and praetice of the Forest Servioe itsel. It is only reasonable to aexp 
    r dea 
that the s  staudrds s - bei observed by th e head of the Park Srvice in
hie dai- 
is with the Yore.t eailee, w"ih h       utblic ad with Cornse, 
                           reeidaut, Conectit Comssion on ?crests 
                               and Wil Life.