              g. The praotiew of spreading manure on the fields daily 
          provides an important source of winter food in some diary 
              h. Feeding stock in open lots attracts Ruariansduring 
          periods of deep snow. 
                   Unooalete Portiton of the Projet 
          Items of study under way, but which need additional data to 
ma   the study of higst value include: 
          1. The life history study should be checked through one more 
     sasoL under 4ifferent weatrer conditions than those which have 
     prvailed durin, the past two years. 
          2. Factors resposible for losses thrughout the year need 
     further inves'4iation sinc  the data to date ar, net suff iciently 
     extensive to be conoluzlve. 
              ne requirements and factors limiting spread have been 
     studied but the facts to date are not sufficient to for the 
     basis of final conclusions, 
          4. Seasonal food habits, especially the variation of require- 
     ments from season to season and from year to year should be given 
     more complete study than has so far been possible. 
          5. Relation of Tungariana to other gallinaaeous birds as to 
     food and range competition, anid also as to dissemination of 
     disease and parasitic organisms needs further study. 
          6. History of liberations, including a study of factors 
     causing early losses of plantings is a phase of the study which