nee. 23, 1930 
Dr. T. 14. Ras*k 
Rockefeller Institut 
Princeton, Mr- Jersey 
Dear Dr. Raseh 
     I appreciated receivinr your Christzas card and am g1Ia you 
are enjoying your stay in Frineetou. 
     I am afraid I have nothiw   nw on openins iln g -mr of 
suffioient imortance to justif your -persoun internt° I have -ad 
an opportunity to broach to the Sente Comittee on &    the project 
of imnortiE           infoination. buit it y be a Ion time before 
t-his Is actea on --mA fii..nced, 
     At th present m    t I 1cow of oneni ,, or prospective open- 
is. in Iorn. Maxrlan, N    nqvania. and some possible future 
ones In the Southeastern states, bat most of these are of unstable 
tenre, low salar, and. the projects dsle as much with game policy 
ais with gýe biolo-y .T'his, I assme, wo~uld( eiclurle them from your

possble field of Interest. There Is also n important poosible 
opemin(- in Illinois in conniection wirth the University rh$ch mi,,-t 
be more narly apronrtate, but nothin may come of this. 
     I will be east ag-in for aInstitte meeting Febra     5, 6. 
and 7. 1 will be at the iotel Roosevelt. and if you will let me 
mw of your Wherbnts at that time we robably ca ditses the 
3tatus of these various Posebilities. 
                                Tour-s sincerely, 
                                    In Chre, Gam   Suve