53122MW        MUTUJAL zrFm NSURANJO3 O1A~r 
                                     Xi1xe..    is., July 6, 1936 
?wmf. Aldo Loopoll 
Colg   of griatare 
Dar, Pr fesso                   oeopodO 
           I  ewaccran with oiu onversatin m  time 
ago, the follwin   s a desrption of the manne  in wh 
the f-oex w    killed b  o ebus- 
           "Som yea   ago *i1#i lvRtig with anther 
  youg anin Calhoun Cony  Illinois, welW po   on a 
fez smpqto by his tall. from the fork of &projecting 
liv* of a falle tree. This limb projected some fiteen~ 
toet into the air. 
              Ther  was &  bad fstation of so~deburs in 
that partiular' part of the county, and the river bottom 
soi is a black     . In ranin thr      the wees an 
wvt scil, the foxis brah had beo  mette4 with the cockle- 
burrs and   b  soil unti It closely resemb  a rather 
large ball. 
           He hMA evidetly run up the protruing limb 
to throw the p      dog off t   smut, an In jux 
off gan. the matted ball at th end of his tail      t 
in the narow fo   of the branches, levin the fox 
hwaing inm id-i,~e Vhable to release himself, he ha& 
perishe *whert " frM him. sometimo ferwad 
Coie for Pox foler~s 
           Ilinocis folere 
Original filed Acidont folderW 