may 20  1929 
Mr. S.. LB.   ) 
1. S. ?oreet Bervics 
O64eu, Utah 
rDear Friend 4 Icke 
          I bhe just recently beard that the appoiatment to the 
directorship in Wisconsin has been practically decided upon, *Ih 
would seezn to dispose of that particul:r opening. Of cours, m 
adva. dope may be incorrect.    In ay event, I have done what I 
*01gd to get your name in the hat, which was very lit te. 
          The openings at the St. Paul Station and in the Univercity 
of Wisconsin are still open. The bill which will make the latter 
possible has a good c)_nce of pass in, and if it passs I am quite 
SI will be consulted about nes. At Mlanseota I have diseusso4 
your qualificatias at lesfgth with Zon aad 3aeldgtox6 
          My intened woestera trip will not materialize, since it has 
been decided that I am to flnish up the sur-vay of the north centm.l 
reGion first, and conseviently I see no Ln~iiate opportunity for a 
conference.    I am glad to .n,)w that you are definitely in the fieUt 
for a oba   of loation and I will, of course, keep my eye o tho 
s~miuing opelning. 
          With best regarda, 
                                    Your* sincewly, 
                                    AIDO LEO1QLDt 
                                    In Obarg, Game S-arvey. 
P. S.  If you think properorsling and Rutledge    ight went to kow 
the status quo as reported in this letter. I am menti-oning this %#A 
use both of them were kind enough to write me. 
421 Chemistry Building