the phone is busy, aik-xz  at other times not at all busy. 
Tonight in two hours there have been 13 calls, not busy, 
but concentrated work is sometimes interrupted. It is really 
quite a good arrangement. 'I look after the sorting of the mail.\ 
     I spent the month of November and first week of December 
(daytimes, evenings on phone as usual) helping a taxidermist 
from the Royal Ontario Museum of Zoology collect certain spec- 
imens for gallery mounts, We got a wolf, a 10-point buck deer, 
, fox, marten, fisher, and New York Weasel, and a large beaver. 
     Recently I have been concentrating on reports, papers, on 
the work I did last summer. I may have a week in the woods 
in *ebruary where I was last summer, I hope so. Before next 
summer I must put in one,or preferablp twoNature Trails. 
     Last summer, besides looking after observation from a fire 
tower until the 10th, ot August, I made a survey of the birds 
of part of the McIntosh marsh here, did some experimental 
small mammal trapping census work, some deer sensus and 
beaver census. 
     You already have my paper on the birds of this park, I 
     As there is no provision in the government service for 
biologists, or for any position for me with more pay, I am 
in the market for a better job. This however is fine for this 
year, but I do need more money finally. All the equipment 
necessary in my work, from camera and enlarger to mouse traps 
and also my library ax make heavy demands on the pocketbook. 
My pay now is that of a senior ranger. 
           Sorry the letter is so long but there seemed much to 
tell. By the way, the superintendent here, F. A. VacDougall, 
is vdry sympathetic to biological work, and conserva.tion. 
We have the unusual situation of     an active and long-es- 
tablished logging industry in the same territory that is used 
for recreational outdoor purposes and protection of animals 
except wolves. 
                  Very sincerely yours, 
                             '0- t       ktAl- 
D. A. Mac Lulich