Pileo Florence Go. ,,

Extract from Wisconsei Conservation hiletin, Vol. 111, o, 3, Marc, 1938,

pp. 04. 
     The history of the oose which was killed and left in the woods in 
Florence county daring the deer season has been furnished to the Wisconsin

Conservation department by Pail Hiokie, mammogist of the Michigan 
department. Th animal was identified by its ear tag. 
     The letter from Mr. Hiekie deelaresi 
     "This animal wasn trapped on tle Royale at Siskowit bay in the

winter of 1935-36- It was transported to upper Michigan on May~ 16, 1936,

and instead of being released as were most of the other animals it was 
kept In captivity at the Gusino me refuge for observation. It was 
one of the few animals which inJured its ho1ck on the orate during 
transportation and we wished to see whether or not they would heal. to 
held it in captivity until August, 1937, and used it in our experimental

feeding and weighin work along with our moose. In Augst, 1936, and 
4in in August, 1937, this animal was exhibited at the Upper Peninsula 
state fair at Iscamaba. Instead of being returned to the Ousino refuge 
in 1937, it was taken to the Iseanaba river traot where it was released 
late in August. We have no information ean this animal between the time 
it was relased and the time it was shot in Wisconsin*, 
     Wardens reported four other moose in the vicinity where the one 
was shot and all are believed to hase come into Wisconsin from Michigma