as folloews 
      strrrn ninaty of trafl dire  m-l.t oropei -,,m rei 
      lff-rw  to pvtrael !~n~r,c-* ýý  vra .-,t  'todda' I
 olr ot'her 
you to ara-e  n,, -rricnt atiot.n oa An ý th iit -t r  Tallý-s'A
 -)irs Ai 
  be wul-1on I. '1  mt not.  At paxt oif it,-r -owwr. th1r4- cn, 
Jutly beý left to ifrni)sot~ t_% 11A  can arlr~- to p 
the tIl-I s         tey wllt o1i adast a 
  eoyof VAi! letttr to 11r. Infl  ~o!ry 
    widae o th ,tet)f Nhe o ota~ h  ont~    if oinr, 
 with,- the r wdr.,Ah. ,:-3 1- e  va!Iup mlbt thinto  thes 1Xlli1'14 
 sootsn J! to Vie .,rvq 
    .r. "ansfield# in roAst1 hi red  oeve nmtei1n 
t he i:, of Cacseso ir birds fo! tl  r~mtiAn. 
    ?!bjeb(eot In 7wýiv- ymz r~v to f clI it-At -)tti ly Into the
 ~~dbly beoi,7e of t'hr -e-~ter  a f i*i  oli'  ido 
 ee theo            Yteaýu r~Qtkzesi of 117i iý)-n pa-rt. 
   T   nl~ao~    of ths otýn"diets th t hle will1 
 r1i-Aow ýre sýt-Amt Cthe ctxsasIn the event r  ak te ats 
 I~ihm   Itý-keit that   nn. inn            vf 
   seni~ n et~copy to him-.-