THIS           4eJM sd and entered into this -. day of_   _   _   _
            19  ty nd beteen th                  a corporation,. party of
            first pat, and                       . party of the second pat

tion of natuala rsucs and wild lift, and the parties of the second part awe
cover, feeding grud, and shooting aweas, subject to the rsrcin          
        set  ort, ad i whch  hea ant  n  other wild gaea birds my be pfpgted
        atin. f te  utul pomiesof the parties hereto that the parties of
the second 
part hereb lease to part of the first part all that real estate dscribed
    fora prio o          year. fro  date hereof solely for the uses andpupoe

    herinftr eferred to,, and without iu~ntefrec   of therih    of asecond
farm and otherwse, handle and use the rea estate herein described.. except
a. the samesmay be Ih-weizafter spseificailly restricted and limited. 
      The party of the second pat agres that on the real estate herein leaseds,

,tkhet the"e shell be noburing of natual. coer growin     ona said weal
estat,' ex 
cept in the fall of the years, and thea onl whenaosdrdasluevncsay 
party of the seodpa    agrees that he will allow nbuntn      on said real
      durng  easn rcogize  t  lawr, and then only under the conditions hereinafter

                Pary o th  scon  pat ares t  levesmefeed in the fields Of
the are 
        heei lasdan  i  sffcintquatit  ~ to tak mar of the wil lif. naturall

  ocuyigsaidara., or uhwil      ieh  ian a eflned on   aid a   ea tepart~

of the fistprt  o   hefs   and yul "oiso      fte    tt   f    "

      The party of the second ps tgrees to permt perty of the first part
plant ruch cover as mw be necessar an th       wba~ leased, so that the wil

life my have pr@W  shelter sad a  be paq~te~, in mh aems as mW be teased.

     fttoutunncesari~ estricting the use of the real3 estate herein referred
and in tease crer or at other suitable Plaeas, the party of the seodpert
  ththe shell permt no grazing or other inefrnewith the cove           naturally
ing or the cover planted ins.aid protected areas, 
     On the weal estate hwmm leased# the parties of the second part agre
report all pgue law violations to the party of the first par, and as soon
possible after the diseowve   of sae;s part   of the second part agrees that
he will 
not permt the shooting of gam    birds on "ai   leased grudbeqod the
point wher 
ther will be sufficient stoek to take oare of an assured    rpg      o  ithfuu,

      The party of the second part agrses to parit hunting on the leas"aed
only to individuals who appl1y for aMd recelve a properly signd permt# said
tab   mmnlimd in blAnk form hr martv of the first Dart and issued tohutr
shell represent his. return for the use of the mel estate heeim      esrie
the conitions herein limited.