8tag gf Irexe.. At the ,reatant tim all of the Jacpin and ior 
pine plantings on the% conentration area are either approaching rui or 
are severely daae. A white pine planting to th- eAst, but off the 
conetatiton area, shows r~eet daiwe. Ther t no naswtural reproduction 
of any pine exept below eaowlwvl, ead little of that. There are large 
areas to the southoast which were lop4d for Norway in recent years, eMd 
waet hawe beense.ed* for years, w lob are uttovly devoid of rpocin 
Porway piav. has clearly been etirpated by dear on these loggings. 
       Teein a tox.eny amn Uoel officers to attribute the drg 
to plaatins to the hard winter of 1942-43, brat amq mber of plazt*L 
pimes, both lormy sand Jack, show 1943 growth nipped off Luring the, mild

winter of 193-4  Kay ma   s.w jaakpines bays * "der line" older
           Mail ~wdL1ght4 or LocaUly                Substantially 
   Bomab oak ("teest)        Aspen                  hs4l 
   #UVLU eW~leW               80  ka                Alder 
   Red  ple                  Wi tob buelI           Swoet fmr 
         BloryWite bLrc                             h~spbewqy 
   Sow~ Pias                 Oita eeb& 
   This is & *rue listj tin* did not suffies to sepamto wmor fsm 
winter work nor catkin b Ing fro. twig browsing, The list departs 
fro Swwrerom' in the lo      rating of oweetofm    This pleant was nt 
tvig-bwmed at all in the oe~n winter of 19"        when it mot bays