the helpless little feIlo-as are starving not. 
It would be a very coomendablc action if those 
of us lahO go to- tho ",:ods and f ields a--t vari- 
ous tines woud carr a lttle corn or othor 
grain to scatter xwhcr'e the. birds can find them. 
The little corn neeaod ta ~avke a covo/y of. 
.qua-il Zafo. throurh ath wiinter and loan spring 
m~onths"..xi ll -be no.Groatt OpnsO, and wl 
   -i~c -retUrn1s,,-in b ird- cons erva,,Ltion~ and 
i.To  sm.,st sfa ll       I we don't food them, 
no -oneo C.  4~X  ar.d ilw,.e .,-oul d no no of -us ca-_,re 
to ~sooc th~iv C  s ,*   e ..  co uld s o  [_i1 
;Treve~nt 4t'Their can no t. help thoraiselvo's 
   ir~p    bu't' we c'n help ý,-thom . iui,.d  ino 
      -~snL~  ur~'of: oomore   1ai   onti  in so 
dolng, be sld  prpvoi-~Ln .G, t hec trageur ~o~f hu- 
      ger~ouo y4n 1       of o~ liles, T'h-ore 
     -Henry Krehler.and'fam ily.: have reoently 
r.,!oyad to- Hom eW4661  Illiinois. where' He~nry has 
Aake n ~char'g,- of'a qo-Aaregation. 
     * ~   ~     ~    a 1 p'Ae& ~ fy have nioved'-toSt 
LQu s   IRalbh;isa no avator off the Holyr Ghost 
     Word homeS from ,S t~asb urg, Ohio,' that 
Waldo. -and Lo      rI    p are as busy and 
ha-npy as .can be* 
     S iila ICLr tii4ng  com  f ri- New Qrleans* 
Arthur Lloehlenbrook l~ikes teaching so well 
That he-- and Frieda expect to spend the sur-mer 
  tlircý al -o.