mammals, etc., are being made.     It is hoped at a later date,
as funds 
           become available, to issue an abstracting bulletin to cover published

           information about wild mammal numbers, diseases, migration, economic

           problems, aud allied subjects.  Members of the staff are responsible
           editing for the British Ecological Society its newly launched
Journal of 
           Animal Ecology, which seeks to provide a central journal in Great
           for the publication of animal ecology papers about all groups
of animals. It 
           works in close connection with the Journal of Ecology which will
           to publish animal biological surveys and general papers, as well
as the 
           botanical work. 
    The general plans of the Bureau of Animal Population were fully approved
the Matamek Conference on Biological Cycles which was held in Canada in 1931.
is hoped that individuals and institutions will aid the coordinating work
of the Bureau 
by sending reports and reprints of relevant literature. The Bureau seeks
to be of use 
to scientists engaged on the problems of animal population in all parts of
the world; 
it does not plan to superimpose any organisation on those already existing,
but to 
work by cooperation and by filling a certain gap in the present system-forming
sort of new ductless gland in the ecological body. 
             _7anuary 25th, 1932.