Plea  address your twey 
   to  te  signer  of  this  letter. 
                              DEPARTMENT OF ENTOMOLOGY. ZOOLOGY. & GEOLOGY

                                        March 20, 1934 
           Dr. Aldo Leopold, 
           University of Wisconsin, 
           Madison, Wise. 
           Dear Sir: 
                     I am interested in doing some work on 
           the ecology of game animals, and it has been 
           brought to my attention recently that you are 
           conducting courses and doing work along this same 
           line. It occurred to my friend, Dr. Hartley H.T. 
           Jackson of the Bureau of Biological Survey, that 
           you could possibly give me some information from 
           time to time concerning problems that may arise 
           in the course of my work. 
                     I hope eventually to make my program 
           the basis of a course in forest ecology, with 
           particular reference to gem. management, some- 
           what similar to work that I have been informed 
           you are doing at Wisconsin, and I am writing to 
           suggest the possibility of carrying out problems 
           that might in some way correlate with projects 
           that you have in mind or under way. I would be 
           pleased to hear from you regarding such projects 
           and would be more than willing to cooperate to 
           the full extent of my facilities and ability. 
QS'       I am not interested in securing any financial 
           return from any work of this sort, nor do I 
           particularly care a great deal for credit for 
           authorship of publications, but I am extremely 
           interested in the ecological aspects of game 
           management.   I am concerned at the present time 
           with getting definite projects under way in 
           this field, and I am confronted with proposition 
           of securing methods of approach. Any suggestions 