ezterminated in Iowa, unless somethiug is done, 
          lhat nseds to be dose; r   dosones of oaseo th 
local  isa&ppearance of the bird% has booe found to oinide 
with the plowing "p or drainage of the last remuant of grass 
land or wods, The obvions way of restoring prairie ohikeuns 
is to reibore remnaats of grass land or woose Wood or grass 
cover in necessary both as a wintering ground and as a nesting 
ground* The Fish & Gass Commiesion, working through local 
sportsuast organisations, is **looting a few favorable ppots 
where it proposes to lease soes grass laud for the birds, and 
also to leave some eorn Wngathered for *tkar winter food, 
          It may be necessary to thin down the pheasants in 
these spots selected for chicken restoration, in order that they 
may not comoete unduly with the native birds* 
             O 5 groups of this species wore found survivin In 
north central Zowa - four of these groups are very small and may 
disappear during the next low of the ocyle, 
          The obvious canue of the near eitinction of thisoĆ½ 
splendid bird is the grazing out of wood lots by cattle. Dosens 
of dates of looal diaappoaranoe were feund to boincide with the 
tnvasion of brush pathes by live stok 
          The state parks ought to serve as permanent oenters 
for the p    tpotuati.n of ruffed grouse, but in the parks so far 
surveyed no g*uns wore found.   This may be because of the ab. 
normal concentration of foxe  In the p*rkso Sine the fox is no 
log-r whatsoeer of being extermiate, I reommesnd that linited 
fox'eontrol be undeztaken in tho eort lofested parks, by and 
through the gams department. If this does not suffice, restock. 
Ing with ruffed grouse may be neoessary* This may be difficulto 
bseause the ruffed grouse does not survive in captivity, and 
hoeoo is not obtainable from game farms, 
          linco I have not yet surveyed the real quail eountry 
of th  state, I will make no ropw44,n this species other than to 
say that in the area so far covered, only one spot of several 
townships has boon found still in a suitable condition to produce 
quail in numbers.   All the rest of this vast torritory is so 
clesa of oever that only isolated convoys -persist. 
        N+ Sorthern Iowa is a vorttablo cemetery of dead laees and 
ducking grounds, The opertunties for restoration of lakes and 
marsh lands fall into 6 classes * 
          Uirst, there are the few remaining public lakes, These 
are badly ovrersot, and in many of them the food is deteriorated 
by cszp,   The thing to do is to establish a part of each lake as 
a euge,+ and to control carp# 
          S eoo, we have, a few remaining ponds and slongks which 
are privately owned,@ All1 theo good ones are loased, and all of 
then ar  oveho , t, Most of thou are too smali to maintain a ro 
tuae and a shooting ground on the *&ame body of water, I suggest4 
for your consideration,, thr licensing 'of private duck clubs and 
loasos, so as to bring them under state, control. they should 