King11svil, Tiny 
I wat to thw  you for yaa hosptality an for incuding me inth 
the Zrano itself$ but by your Xuamnget netln 
I wSis we could have talked In moe detail ftbout the r,-nwr  M~ maeA 
at the Vt~lAfe Sociey 4iwner. I ýýur you It did no baonn  
  of my . headO anta  I oe* e bot!h sli4s of the question involved, 
I hope ym~ did not rwmlUy  0am  tha you are on   to stop writin, 
I: *an t41 you fran4 that you pesoa pubicatios ar considerably 
  usdby rW own grp and stan in hig reut inZ rop      t strikes 
me that we are worin at opposite orMe of the quail rrw  aMd tha 
conditions ar so diff.fet Mat -me aro both at faul2t I~n some degre 
in~ masurin the *there work in 4.etails of our owni lo"I contlttlons

Mav~tw  my be the answer, I think I Grin massr you that yaar onclusiwon 
iiav not boft tosed4 asid  sixopl bomis they differ from tose reaced, 
by som of w mm." 
If we eo1d thrash this out at 1lmisur  I imia    the aren of differenes 
I am bopn  to g$t togehe     &s~w letreo  teoalt and mano 
aw Published mtr    ocpe of wh4ic could prp   , bo sent me 
Naturally I am inest e in li~eto*.Man rane maa    ta   ela 
whatwe you seind would nt 'be us.4 for anthing bu     echn    uroe 
   wihu or m pos    pemission. The usa use wo~ul b, as    14s 
71o this I could us* either orgos prints, If yam coul 
throw 1*in one g oodphto eatof door and tal, it w~l        Ut the* ineret

I wIU send you  prints assoons  I got thoe to osee vhto uwn 
W ~oftthes 
Aldo Lep