A.lbuqua, rque, New Mexioo, 
                                      July 9, 1920. 
Dear Mr, 
          At our reoent convention, the sportsmen 
of this state resolved to present to next winter's 
legislature a bill establishing a non-partim 
State Game Commission, to take the place of our 
present system of a State Game Warden appointed 
directly by the Governor, 
          Under the present seytem, we have oocas.. 
ionally had a warden of experLence and ability, but 
more often we have had men wholly unqualified to 
get results. Even when we get an experienced man, 
the political nature of his appointment, and his in- 
stability of tenure (our elections come every two 
years), have hopelessly        capped his efforts to 
do constructive work. More      _, the powers granted 
him are so limited tht real progress is nearly im- 
          The proposed State Game Oommission would 
be granted the broadest possible powers, inaluding 
the authority to employ a State Game Warden at a 
salary sufficient to c       the proper tale4 san 
to retain hi-i as long as he makes good, It would be 
a non-political oommission, because two of the three 
members would be selected from the scientific staffs 
of our state institutions. The Commission would also 
have authority to greate refuges, make open and closed 
seasons to fit local conditions, aoquire public shoot- 
ing grounds, and to do all other things necessary for 
proper management of our game and fish resources. The 
Commission would cost only about $1500 per year more 
than the present system, including the increased salary 
of the Game Warden. 
In order to pass the bill orcating this Com-