kam 2ma     Draine bir Binde Dro, betwee 1916 and 1923. No gt 
doaevs in tamaac are reamo by loca uan. "Th Popla ut.atW f 
a tire *ern in abou~t 1923. UMaa po~e thiclust omu4o to In tbo fom 
of a arrow strip     s11t  a  ditch, an rusmt, m dxbt, an e 
sosI hi1h an extra deep pet buwR tol place   This to oantirne ty the 
hat that the spoil ban oppsite sua thiekts is in eah saw entirely 
    eh ot tae     t in nmtt1ts, expectally on the east um(. Csi (RiNit) 
seM te follow rt    afer nottlet.s is              t the 116t4 
burned spots nea the noth t*rv      Bo btrh is narly ma vat by fire. 
fwb of the nth sid Is go  &M   *  to     t oo to paq willo if g 
a Short "Spite frM fire. 
    Re b  is vt, Th frergut s   in fie a     to be sot for 00e p 
at Sahob   &Wk Wm, D~    nest alon the old naturld1  ne of lat  Crek

    Bmmw& Potterto consideriwg ca gr~s stripe for ttwrebrok. 
    Wade Adamel and lasal fames agroe an     t &'*   22 dew and 20  p

aas rsentin         the wir, pmlatmon In 1936-3T. Pamt 
  isAsI                      .e                  s  t 
    A iccal  ae (Seb) r    w ta, mink, &W , ma# but n o ae. 
M~jg    Mlgal         A X. Ba~sstt of MdMg Orhr  as orw 
allmaaut just prwios to 19M. An ope  seao wa allmmd whichpores" 
shaitmaM a" mw derased &W hutie Iinersa       (30, 20. 10, an  dF)

M~ 1902 the door veevrta      wiped outt* ThW built up *agi  -uin the we*

and &bout 1919 eshebd a pek  tlt(d as1 time. the prsent Ve~ation. 
TWW "tmie ftAiy ahendant vati 1927, bat bw. aim    bUm  earessigrat

4mu pre=Pb  to ~abM 
ApAl 161M