ELMER GEORGE PETERSON, President 
                LOGAN. UTAH 
Professor Aldo Leopold 
University of Wisconsin, College of Agriculture 
Madison, Wisconsin 
Dear Professor Leopold: 
          I was very glad to receive your recent letter. The qualifica- 
tions necessary for applicants for graduate work will eliminate from 
present consideration the man I had in mind, since he is somewhat weak in

biological science and in addition has neither a Master's nor a Doctor's

          The sagehen study is still at a standstill. Once in a while I 
meet some member of the State Fish and Game organization and ask them 
questions about this bird, for which they have no information, with the 
purpose of trying to develop further studies. S. B. Locke has been en- 
deavoring to obtain money for a regional sagehen project but has been 
unsuccessful so far. I am glad that you mentioned Dr. Scott as being inter-

ested, and will correspond with him to see what information he may have.

          The field for game research is still wide open in the inter- 
mountain region. If it were possible to bring in a man to teach that subject

he could do some research in connection with his teaching work to get things

started. Finances are worse than usual, however, and it may be two or 
more years before conditions will allow such a development. 
                                         Sincerely yours, 
                                         T. G. Tay     ores 
                                         Professor of Forestry