June 7, 1929, 
  Mr. le$ington: 
         I find Mr. Lepold's re-ort ver inteestng and it has 
  v.Wle, I, too, think with Mr. MEetee that ia his thr conern 
  ing glaciation Mr. Leoold Is goin somehat far awteld for a 
  0v5e      factor in gme bird       tion. This, if an Influence, 
  is probably of miner     on. 
         In hi. onalaalons rlaatlve to the   t     forer relattin- 
  hi- Vr. Leepld is on a      , progressive iP, I think, He cites 
  a singl instamce and I ia en to know of seval similar arrange- 
  mrnts that are now in ofet or i4er wy.   I believe that this 
  qstem- in nse in         , by the wV, sinxe the War anA the 
  resltant breain4  m- of large egtate. - Will come gTenerally into 
  use In this c  t   *er* ixland ý,   is considered. I believe it

  is a satistory method and should be welc   .ed, It will, however, 
  greatly restrict that  ber of peole who will hoot re. The 
  pools will b~e limited and th. feet sufficiently high to dey the 
  nrivile.s to a vey lar"g       tin of   srt          .ers, Yet, 
  excet for ruch restrictions, Ar-tam-npland shooting canot 
         Mr. Le.  dl' conclueions as to esforement work nd the 
  necoveity for bter cooertion betwe    Federal and State officers 
  is generally tra - pwrticularly Un  of the district covered by 
  the eport - but it is noet nw to s nor is it, I think, due to 
  n   nelect or indifference on the part of the Suvey. 
         Mr. Leopold's statistics on ge birds are interestin and, 
  I think, as accurate as conditions will perit* 
         The cat discussion is valuable and indicates the distinction 
  that is wrout by this useless reatue. Tt bobcats will attr 
and kill housecats is a fact ftty w1ll established, I believe, 
  I have known of Instances. 
/S/ H. P. Sheldon