4he b, Lo  anw  in t%. water.  "a'I i 0 the day, hoAever  LO Meows 
;,1e     U aMd y&e it not the opori tunity to ýnhe tLe big 
lAut Lips which are attributed to f04in.      '.Urlnc the day 
V0.  Of the birds are rafted up oU CWane LVhe0 Cler 1ake aW " 
other 1ýFer rewtim grounns. About foi  r o'doV k tC I birds 
beAIi Lo Pove, They get up i bitA 11CAs    n!d literally pour 
into tL. :arsh 0oi an itee on 'hc coarL    IVer e is a"othVr 
tiAW   n tn e Us otE r M aC v n oP  o ;artnly to mintKe 'r;ef ;o 
hisha by pot tiOn duann and a few outLaw pknoeu t1ke ad- 
vante o1A it.  W"e aty  aornid anS eveviu 0 eoncentriokns 
Lmy be attributed entirely to the pxactice of feediry. Duxni 
the day i it  .  e wrL U..ltn&" Sieer thEAF"tjed  lys a AOcd

in dvwinv t0. birds into a given hoLe. Thy aýu 
arseted by thii ecoys anU duen call. The birds aeI over vhe 
buiVed gounds du~ine the day Just as they would if tr W* 
  no~ibut, ae   ti~ re and L  sho tiug Po just a spor~ty. 
Potting, the bird in the earSy V ninj "hen they aire fei 
and in Whe wvenin, iC not sporty sLoti4 but a     vCcoous 1ractiOe 
whioL shoui be wiped out. The yuubev of places     cre !ti i.u type 
ok shootiny taaso  place is in the miuori y,   rtunately. 
    For he L a part v he  a~rh shoo~n is p et~y aell :tun 
because I& Ls O& uthne      to in  e t %'t it is nt  shot txo 
heavily ot0rWise the birds wiUL stop usinv tuc' hols. 
    Ybhe woo4 s 0 uL  ubtelly uauniaL Wh e Ln o puXlo  PhooinE. 
nese ConSinu ;, lnmaL" up zivk. U. =is i. whieh wa-er uýs 
bUen yuaed, tural pot h0oles ad sCOOpe,, 4     i Uar holes 
whihn have Utn jumped full of water* Live uecoys up to tenty- 
five are placed in a hole and corn is scattered ar".ouh tVe ban 
an  in tie all0 W anoer tO v Whe birds aeusuoned to UsxiQ 
tuese noles. whe bird.s uein  these hos are prloticilly Q! 
niards ana reset to tht feed about tLne sa      as in the fyxr Oas 
a   On Ithe river. Maey C o1  in in bLi  Noos to fLed eau4Y in 
te mnrniui and in L;e evn  nd dribble iA a1l thxV the day 
in s4i   flaocs exepAinc on stora    d;ays wisn tney  cee  t th woods 
Aoles for added shrelter.  Thise nob.   ave either a bMod blind 
or 11 biind at nil 4:he soooter sn4Aiu    .1vn   a tree.   W.e 
birds are shot as t.wey , ox  in over c  e trae, a w.is .r..vide 
exOnilera shoOU  .  1hootiu in Ahese   LOW!s ueuaiy doe4 nSot 
sarýt bifore eig2t in he io q      0n &  1 by four in tk. AIfter-

noon except oard ;h: end of t sesn wen v         tY L-dit 
sre such thaL tVe birds do not wor&       on the   y s' OO later, 
hiwi type of sahootiL is doie bon  tSy pyrivae end eooinicial 
day shooting eiubs. 
    0et us now Lucu te tns fourth Wo last type oU oo;:4' L 4. t 
 of field penu  hotoinc.   is type of 2ostLný LCa e"    i1L fon

 vore eiricieiSl aud is ar    b les" uwdars3o- K     by . h . )n 
 t. an any o0* r' tye     v £MIA P enn 'na oe    a1 0Co AI  ,Ited pvty
 in the a sain i; 1eton , f iu   1 1 end ;"edýeL 4  ties.  :n