       This question shall be so submitted at said election, and an 
election on this question shall be held and returns thereof shall 
be ml.de, where not otherwise provided herein, at the same time and 
in the same manner and by the same officials as in the case of the 
election of State officers nd in accord.nce, as near as may be, 
with the provisions, of the -eneral election laws of this State, 
The Secretary of State is authorized, empowered and directed to cer- 
tify to the county clerk of each county the form of the ballot and 
also to take every step required by this Act ind by the general 
election laws of this State to be taken in such cases; the res- 
pective persons whose duty it is under the genernl election laws 
of this State to c!use notices of election to be given and bnllots 
to be printed, and the elections to be held a7nd the results there- 
of to be n.scertnined !nd declmared, are authorized, empowered and 
directed to take every step required by the Statutes of this Stpte 
to be taken in such cases, so as to cause this question to be prop- 
erly submitted to the People of this State. 
       13. The Secretary of State is authorized, empowered and di- 
rected to c".use publicn.tion of this Act to be mae, one each week 
for three months at least, before the vote of the people shall be 
taken upon this Act. Such publicAtion shall be m%de in at least 
two daily newspapers, one of which is published in the city of 
Springfield, and one in the city of Chicago. 
       The Secretary of State shall further cause a copy of such 
Act and a digest thereof to be published at least once each week 
for four weeks immediately preceding the election at which this Act 
is to be submitted to the people,, in at least three d,ily newspapers 
published in Chiclago other than the newspaper published there se- 
lected for the publication above provided and in at least one daily 
newspaper published in each of the following cities:  Savanna, Free- 
port, Rockford, Waukegan, Elgin, Aurora, Sterling, Dixon, Rock Is- 
land, Princeton, Streator, Joliet,..Aledo, Kankakee, Galesburg, 
Peorin, Bloomington, Macomb, Canton, Pekin, Champaign, Danville, 
Lincoln, Decaitur, Quincy, Beardstown, Jacksonville, Springfield, 
Mittoon, Carlinville, Alton, Vandalia, Robinson, Olney, E. St. Louis, 
Belleville, Centralia, Mt. Vernon, Fairfield, DuQuoin, Benton, 
Carmi, Herrin, Harrisburg, Cairo, Metropolis, LaSalle, Ottawa, 
Pontiac, Effingham, Morris, Lawrenceville, WheaĆ½ton, Mt. Carmel, 
Augugsta, DeKalb, Monmouth, Pittsfield, Clinton, lainrshall, Litchfield 
Murphysboro, Yarion, Ann-, iparta, Nashville, and two newspapers 
printed in some language other than English. 
       14. The provisions of this Act for the payment of the prin- 
cipal of the bonds a't maturity and of the interest thereon, as it 
shall accrue, by a. direct annual tax which has been levied herein 
for that purpose, or from other sources of revenue appropriated for 
that purpose, shall be irrepealable until such debt a.nd interest 
be pDaid in full, and for making such payment the f?ith of the State 
of Illinois is hereby pledged. 
APPROVED JUNE 26, 1929. 
provides that the first sale of bonds shall 
not be made until there is a surplus of $750, 
000 in the conservation and public recreation 
fund; requires monep in the conservation and 
public recreation fund derived from the fees 
for licenses to fish and hunt to be first used 
for payment of the principal and interest of 
such bonds but in case such fund is insuffi- 
cient provides for the levy of an annual tax 
sufficient to pay the interest as it shall 
accrue and to pay off the bonds within thirty 
years from issuance; provides for publication 
and for submission to the People; makes the 
provisions for payment of bonds and interest 
irrepealable and pledges the faith of the State 
to the making of such payments; go into full 
force and effect?