COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE 
                    August 13, 1930 
Mr. Aldo Leopold 
In Charge, Game Survey 
421 Chemistry Building 
Madison, Wisconsin 
Dear Mr. Leopold: 
                 I have your letter of July 31 and your 
wire of August 12 with reference to Mr. Gorsuch and the 
quail fellowship work. 
                 As Mr. Gorsuch had given up his other 
work promptly on the first of July as a result of the 
wires which came through seemir g~o indicate that the 
fellowship work was certain, weiaWde his appointment as 
fellow datei from July 1. Mr. Gorsuch accomplished what 
he could during Julylalthough under the uncertainty he 
felt somewhat handicapped,;but is now fully under way and 
spending his entire time in the field,. Fortunately Dr. 
Taylor and an assistant wen planning extensive field op- 
erations and Mr. Gorsuch was able to join their party 
which will remain in the field continously. He reports 
that he is already getting some very interesting informa- 
                  I am glad to know that the remittance 
will arrive soon although by arrangement with the Business 
Office, after we were assured that t&ings were going thru 
eventually, it is possible for us to proceed, as they have 
agreed to advance the necessary expense money and salary 
even if the remittance does not come before the next pay 
day. I hope that all this arrangea.-ent is satisfactory to 
you and I am sure you will be glad to know that Mr. 
Gorsuch is already immersed in the work. 
                 No doubt Mr. Gorsuch will be interested 
,-rhen I get word to him that either Mr. Grange or MJLr. 
Stoddard or both will come down again sometime soon. I 
too am interested, of course, and I trust that their com- 
ing will be delayed until after my return from vacation. 
I have been trying to take vacation for the past week 
without much success so long as I remain here but next