An Arbitrary Program That Would Waste Natural Resources 
                         Wallgren Bill (H. R. 7086) 
- Boundary of Olympic National Forest. 
     Mt. Olympus National Monument. 
     Area that would be taken from the Olympic National 
( Forest and added to the Olympic National Monument 
     for proposed National Park under the Wallgren BilL 
     State Sustained Yield Forest No. 1. 
0%   Olympic Peninsula Highway. 
    The Wallgren Bill would withdraw approxi- 
mately 17 billion feet B. M. of merchantable tim- 
ber from the Olympic National Forest and the 
Forest Service's sustained yield program which is 
vital to the survival of Olympic Peninsula industry. 
This is an amount equal to 42 per cent of all the 
timber in the entire state of Maine, considered one 
of the heavily forested areas in the eastern part of 
the United States. We object to a proposal that 
would deprive this section of so large a part of its 