endorsed by the Secretary of the State Farm Bureau, the Master 
of the State Grange and the Secretary of the New Jersey Fish and 
Game Conservation League. Two of these agents will be on full 
time, one to be assigned to North Jersey and one to South Jersey. 
These two agents will call upon all interested farmers in their re- 
spective territories, explain the terms under which their land will 
be leased, make surveys of their land and explain all conditions 
governing the raising of game for the Commission as well as the 
entering of the Vermin Control Contests. The third agent will 
be on a per day basis and the three agents will meet at least once 
each month for the purpose of going over all land surveys and 
setting the rates per acre to be awarded the landowners who have 
agreed to lease their ground to the Commission for public hunting 
and fishing. Each landowner will receive the rate per acre set 
by these agents. The location and size of all refuges to be estab- 
lished on leased land will be determined by these special land 
agents and they will have supervision of the posting of all lands 
and refuges. 
  5. On land where there is not sufficient feed to hold game, the 
Commission will furnish the seed and pay the farmer for planting 
  6. If the farmer, his family, or employee living on co-operating 
farms or any resident of New Jersey would like to breed and 
raise pheasants for profit, the Commission will issue permits 
without charge whereby they will be allowed to maintain their own 
breeding stock, or the Commission will furnish the eggs, teach 
them how to hatch and raise the birds, and buy all birds in first- 
class condition at $1.00 per bird when they are six weeks old. 
  7. UIfthe farmer, his family, or employee living on co-operating 
farms or any resident of New Jersey would like to breed and raise 
wild rabbits for profit the Commission will issue permits whereby 
they will be allowed to maintain their own breeding stock and the 
Commission will buy all rabbits in first-class condition after the 
first of December at fifty cents ($.50) per head. 
  8. Cash prizes will be offered to the farmer, his boy, or employee 
living on co-operating farms for catching certain types of vermin.