oveber 10. 1933 
Mr. John C111i 
Comissgoaor of India Affairs 
Dsar Mrs Collier3 
         An old associate of maia-4har1os D. 
SPo1t.t-4as asked me to r-ema4 him for 
dent of the lanster Navajo. 
Hager of 
         Rnger was one of my Pers on the carn Yewest 
in is. Z at that time formed a very favorable opinion 
of his haracter, personality, and wor. I have not soon 
hm  simnce iept briefly last i ew, at *1* time I 
gathered the Inression that he had "Og va a lot sad that 
he has real Wi11 and uderstandi  in range manemt 
questlons. aM a Yer7 real entb'sia for erosion ontrol 
through better r   use. He let ms read a plan he had pem- 
pared for the Xava4o. 
         I a ver glad1 to ta*t 
to his qualifications. 
to you this opinion as 
Yours sincerely. 
      ALDO LBO?=~i 
        Gaes Maaewwo