1532 Unverist Aveme 
                                                 J5am27 14, 1931 
'Dr johalW. Scott, Director 
Wy ome an rs% coiston 
Dear Dr. Scott: 
         I an sory I was out *haw you wire of Jmary 11 arrive.4 
was on a Matiu   trip in Mxico. 
         3xerieneoa technical me with nAm1intrative a~bility ar 
 etremely *care. I know of so one who pefetlyI fits yor sp~eificatons 
 as a wbo1.. 
         The man  o omes noearest to it is, I thin, Arthur L. Clark, 
who has until recently been chief ministrattive offioce  for Cnticut 
but *o has been the vitel of a poitical upse. YTo mey remember Clark, 
sinc he ms attea4d most of the Ga      Coufmranas. Ho in about forty 
pleasiug personality, level-headed, exprinnoe, but hat no formal technical

edation. He has, hoveer, a good gener1 oduc.tion an a ftoa min 
and rates As a t ohia~ll7inided z"a. I would ulses him as amon   th
of the tecasicallyninded adainJrtors. Re my be aduWreses at ]Parmlngtou.

         I have one other man in am ; he would sake mn extra-goo  cief 
warden in the sense of orgnisizn  the field 4epties, but he does nt hawe

the saministrative ability of a chief eeutive. nie is William     ebun, 
now of the rarm Security A~mianistration, Black PlIvmr falls, W2i,0ossin.

Sahunke was he*4 of the warden foreo in Iowa an made a rearable recor4 
there. Eets tnwchiefSaemnagerforthefSA. Heisbsbout fo                , 
pleasing persoality,   mu   energ, exellet razser, the bet law 
enforemet man I kw of, Vat he   .. not have the O  nd of 
eesear   for mn all-arud executive. Under yo      direction he could run

your wardome to a fares-well.         rse from the ranks and has no 
formal eduation. 
         Ton of cuse  kno w of the availability of Barry Lok  of the 
Issak Walton L~ea of Aamiea, hoes I assme I am not telling you anything 
by mentioning his nm. He would of .e.,so have the advanage of a very 
thoroug knowledge of weter conditions, 
         With best rears, 
                             Tours siMWerl, 
                             Aldo Loop*2A 
                             ?wafetsor of Goe Vwwgamet