Do.c 17, 1932 
Prof. R. P. Holdsorth 
Forestr  Nprten 
ýIasachusstts Mat Cller 
Arst, Massacuetts 
rDea-,r Professor Itoldswwrthi 
       My friend MaJor WT11er has tol4 me of your interet In the 
idea of p            t as applied to oolle" Property. 
        Iwaaid be very much interesited in conferri wit 7 o   n 
loo'kiz over the property with a view to the dmseo7xant of 
mar-'nt at your tUtitattio. 
       At a good man other agricultural coll.ges the followl.A 
sequence of events sees to be unedr my: 
       (1) som  faculty m~ber aprhns the fat thait the colqe 
                  'ha anoportniy t ro rmeresenrh and extension. 
       (2) A test rea Is tarted on the colege pronerty or on a 
           gronp of interested farms. 
       (3) The test area reveals unanswered researc problems. 
       ()researh is started either through the Interest of so 
           faoalty mimber In related woyk.or bi .oe gmduate 
           student ta3714 it on as a thenis, or by some citizen 
           donattng a fellowship. 
       (5) Through a serie-s of farther developments the e1lqeg 
           becomes the renearc center for and advisor on state 
           gýae policy. 
       My personal acoquaintaaoe with !!assahsetta problems is of too 
old a vintago to Wa eAvtht1,- definite nbo-at the maignitude of your 
oppovrtuity or the timeliness of startlA, action now. Tt so happens, 
howevr, that the MLassachuetts 3nort~smn*s AssociAtion is calliw! m 
Ust to speal at their convention 'Tbay11.     1 would be g-lad to 
spend a daq or two with you in connection with this trip should you 
desire me to do so. 7e could then more clos3eW usie ithe sitmation 
and decide what, if any, fuirther attention the matter merits at this 