i    in the p  cple. of public  'rvoe and public iuatgity, ad In t 
4 veiopen! ad use of public re~c~,o , ornts, a    &nd rýcreftion,
4o forester, o f who the largest singl oup, 120 in 190 wre @mployd by÷the

      Fo~S%  ice, These students of ninr  I kpaw not m' ey in ly aa but in
      ,®re of the sme fine Uprit t    of ciri-n as Ted Childso Tey Th
 e nt 
    o~ea erat  do  ot seek pru  l prfeent, ? a6 tey Jealous of otha     
    tbursaus or daaruta.   But, they deal wit facts at first ,d, fi  o~t
  ei conditio   beifore they e to oonelusiOn8 or make public or private state

  t, w!elm   investi~etious and advocate meeu1s on the baste of the geatas

  4.o for all eono~ned. I em speaking epo~i~ically of the men tht I kno 
   d out of the Forest Service, sua they were aj %tdents and I can dtst.I?

    t~e tis type anid te rare cases of failur   an  in  metncy in th    prfeeeien

         Bu  what these n cannot accpt coplcntly any mor than i can i 
  ®iy on the part of another dspron or bureau *f maing inaccuate or sui'd

  g st temonts not hasd on facts end refte    by facts iic  wer pblicly areA

  alo and of doing this for the plrpoSS of secr i som    public policy or
  '~ whlh wee no in the tru in%tese of The general. pnblic 
         Ac B oncrote examle of what~ i  emoa let ins cite the  teaa~ n 
of lao~ 
   lbit at the Iational Ga crnerner in 18w Yorko 'Nove r 17 IW3P reg ri n

   o~ ~bab deeor, which is s fOllow  tken fron the ttnoerahin record: 
   U n deer situation in 3rand Caryn National Ia~k is, of cours    comli
     cen use of the abbde    ed   whio ha  he  greatly reduced in recen 
     ears undr contrlled hIntig.  feeding atuation there has greo ~ 
     of the lose of so iuh of their na ire trr~'t rd ~   ~     sa    s_ 
     to refer bak to my etates~ont that the Nattiona 3crk Service is inrete

        asg~ a. jcal and the greatest speetc le of deer we have ever . 
     n vnerioa we on the Kaibabo 2he thing tha unars the Park Seric' 
     but the seibab at the present tine is that i i o 1® Iger a spectace

     Las win~ x e count shd approxirtnely 14,000 deer on the Kaibeb F]. evu

     n e~timete that mar think ia too hi)o Aout )Q of these asen ; 
        ®fter %is Ineive he pekbound¾yv  Re pote f  fo different

        rh eosaed tho :iaa thie pan sunar              rsl o~ the v i_ 
      xA rdr to con do  r~ortad  e tow ho sn a on; e hi~way   r 
      >o/nn trayerang the ara about seve o'clock in the evening, saw o

      r7de up in the Park houner a d oni      insid 
      3u inen4  t Fiilotson ouoted onl ei t 4e r ineigh  milem s  e 
      frns: yoax whn it was a sinzple ma tsr to coitrem ?Go to a %housa i

       ~oin iht Kaihb. It is q' ite a'parsnt tht fhe  rrat spectacle as ~i

      inslly preacnted by the Iaibh herd oI deer ienow a thn&   oAth
      every one admts that the fo     stuation is gratly imprve    en   te~e

    deer nerd, feels that ti   i   ob±      pti    e4    i te propor

         lieu it happens Jhat I Jwva b en Aowl ng that deer at®e or 
     n  ÷ 
                 ill henfor~r'~yaso Iwas 2.  ofFore  ~M~qm00 
               W et )rvc cvrng' eea;sof~ion       ndNwUix