SNorthastorn     lat Prairie. This region is also of large 
size and is about as well developed sriculturally as the last 
province.  1wat, corn, Sheep, ettle and miscsllanems crops 
are iwoortante There is leza hog rtiisin-g, =re sheep, l0ss 
hay, less corn end more wheat than in the 'Iorthhwstern area. 
Moh stn(ding aea shoeked corn is left in the field. teat 
is 1xrgely plnted in the fall end -rTelr   s are conswquantly 
bare in winter. Xronion is very far advanced in wny localities 
having cawed the abendow-ant of scores of famsg, and now 
encroaching here and there upon buildng, fences  hihe   s a2 
other warks of    Aa. Gosider&    brush covert ia found in 
the drAina.fec channels of srme localities.  The rzion, barrirg 
t.namentnlly adverse factors, ap-pe, s to offer a ,ood deal to 
It is recomm-aded th-t ewpý.rimental stoking of Iin Ný  c 
?heasnns be undertaken in this section as ovtlined later in 
this report end theat genet1l distribution of phe        or egs 
be diacontinued until such tt-e as the e      riL'ntAl sttcLtna 
has produc4 favorabie remýýs. 
T. River Bottrc.t ,2:1 . Thni type i, of Ceorce, found in 
most of !;rthe;rn Iissouri and in sn other sectionsl. 1t 
consists of rather narow ri7ver valleys in .hich c=pý,ritively 
diversified conditions (for   xssci) are found, includiv 
thicket eovorto in gullies and tributaxY creek draws, sowe 
swmp woods, excellent cor arxtz wheat often weedy, Soe mar h, 
so0   pastrfe ýand rtscellxinsous crops.  The River It      of 
    l~issjWl (nýl-i the ','Jsiss3ippi, -,-1isouri, 'Qrne-, Gur 
 7ubiua af     iton)., barring, fundm6nta ily adverse fa.ctoTs, 
 appear to oe of the best territory of ý-e st-Ate 
 Ring Neck Phemants. 
 It is rewwriended that selected areas of River ýIottom be 
 *ep~r331VllY stooked with PiiT Neck "heasasnt, ano that 
 geral distribution be dis"fontinuee until the results of 
 such e)-erlmcnta- work beccne evident.