Quail Census and Kill Data - Indiana 
-    Place 
:Acre-: Year-----------Kl 
:age       : :Covies : Per:        :     Acres:         Acres: Per 
                       : covey :Bird~s  per : Kill: per :cent 
          *  99                99 bird         :      :bird 
--------------------------------- - 9 - - - - 9 - -9 - -- - 9 - -- - 
Frank N. Wallace 
Albert Wallace Farm 
Martinsville, Morgan Co. 
D. A. Dunlevy 
J. W. Russell Farm 
Henryville, Clark Co. 
John Greyereen 
Training Grounds 
Jefferson and Ripley 
John Greyersen 
Part of above 
Jefferson and Ripley 
John Greyersen 
Part of above 
Jefferson Co. 
H. D. Newsome 
Jesse Newsome Farm 
Bartholomew Co. 
Frank Gentry 
1 sq. mi. NE of house 
Brown Co. 
Frank Gentry 
1 sq. mi. SW of house 
Brown Co. 
John H. Gude 
1 sq. mi. just W. Bruceville 
Knox Co. 
R. E. Llewellyn 
Edgewood Grove 
Vigo Co. 
R. E. Llewellyn 
Parke Co. 
Fred 0. Dobelbower 
Guy Van Metre Farm 
Warren Co. (5 mi. NE Williamsport) 
M. L. Neeley 
J. P. Doty Farm 
West Marion Co. 
Wm. Wugeman 
Outskirts of Ft. Wayne 
Allen Co. 
Dr. Geo. Hunt 
N.E. Wayne Co. 
John Goodrich 
Suburbs of Winchester 
Randolph Co. 
George Cass 
Suburbs of Nappanee 
Elkhart Co. 
Geo. W. Smith, Jr. 
Farm near Kewanna 
Fulton Co. 
Don Wright and Ray Smith 
Rennsalaeu Field Trials 
Jasper Co. 
    : 40 :17 yrs:  2-3  :   15  :   40  : 1.0   : Never shot (many 
:           :       :       :       :           :     foxes) 
:(All orchard except 10 acres brush and 6 acres pasture.       25-30 usu-

                      ally survive winter.) 
: 100   :5 yrs.:    4   :   15  :   60  : 1.6   :Not known. Hunted 
:(This is the "birdiest farm in this section.)       : 
:6000   :1927:     80   :   12  :  960  :  6.2  :   ?  : 
:(This is better than average ground for S. Indiana; 1927 a good year) 
   :640o :1927:    11   :   12  :  132  :  4.9  :   ? ? 
:(This was the best section of the 6000 acres.) :           : 
    20:1927:        6   :   12:     72:0.3:         ?: 
:(This was the best spot on the 6000 acres; shows influence of size 
                 of area  on census figures.) 
   :4.70 :1928:     5   :10-35:     60  : 7.8   : Not hunted    : 
:(1927 same or a few more.  This is creek bottom and near average.) 
:640    : 1928:    20   :   20 :1400:1.6:150 :            4.2  :   37 
:(Never less than 100 birds killed on this seotion last four years) 
:  640o :1928:     40   :   200: 00       0 : .S :200:3.2:         25 
:(Never less than 150 birds killed on this section last four years) 
   640    1 :19281: 1   :   15  : 165:4.0             ? 
*.:                 :      : ... 
:(This section had 15 covies 1927, 6-7 in poorest years.       Is sample

                         of best ground.) 
:100:1928:          5   :   15:     75:1.2:         ?  :(Hunted) 
:(This is suburban real estate.  Is sample of heaviest stocking.) 
200  : 192   : 
12  :   60  : 3.3 
:(This is better than average for the county.) 
:475    : 1920:     1   :    6:      6:     79:          : 
        :1928 :         :    ?:    174  : 2.7:      32:   15.01:    l 
:(This is a very careful census, made on Jan. 9 after about 32 birds 
:had been killed.  Owner conserves cover and winter feeds.       Many foxes;

:no control, Sample of best ground.) 
:200:1927:          3   :   15:     45:4.5:         ?: 
:(Also 1 covey of Hungarians.      This is a sample of the best quail 
:160    :192   :    5   :   15:     75:2.1:         ?: 
              (This is a sample of the best ground.) 
:640o     1928:         :   15:120:          5:     7: 
:(This is a sample of the best ground in the county, along creek.) 
:  640  :192   :    6   :   15:     90  :7.1:       ?: 
*(This is a sample of the best ground in county.         Suburban real 
:5000   :1928:     20   :   15  :  300  :   16  :   ?   : 
:(This is his training ground, was thoroughly worked.          Average or
:  600  :1928 :     6     15-50:   100  :  6.0  :   ?   : 
:       :,22or:    10   :       :  150  : 4.0   :       : 
: (This 
: 740 
:1923:           :       :       :       : 
is his own farm.  Better than average ground for this region.) 
:1928:       8   :   15  : 120   : 6.2   :   ?  : 
(This is the best ground in the county.) 
9              9        *       .                   - 