zind one in ten to be buoks, there will be no more t1in a 
normal nuxir oe r ry does. I have no_ U0  ntio.   the      al 
wildness c iih hunif odUes  o ho :rLe tu- bLL3 in 
oont- t to the doe h'2lcL ike th  tc s a fa so uzich 
o   erjsjly cbL~&rred. I i2,i: ..o ne o Lc the neoessity 
or kil!in docs soon but not be~ame ou L lac. oL b)ucks to 
keep the herds od; ire, 
      7i.... a.~ e~n  woe ono~eA'L<    'i'vute land 
OuCIU! or i-ere iho jra-in  Ue is e.tablithiid by manI   aiall 
o~wners 'hre a continued stockin with -t-ae widl result in 
the development of a sentimont strnly atinzt &         oonser- 
vat1o:i.  in   t itc -ie on he hu ol suth areas .o r very heavy 
stoc1lins by £&1Z will i.n the end react c~ivor~ely auInst &m

oonse~vation. There ero clso etcei