P~ri C                   I  ia Vei 
   3,: nr        -r 
        on rertn e  i eni   ah~tn   s &Iiue  theae       & 
                                 31s e pook 2e lt tmgu t 
      olserrl no & )                                     o 
  I~tr   hCe 'a~ntly hwi a.  U ±02 with Ovdl hai tierP3r   e a  os

     taxring 013 ohir ipbli d to ofn e airle C,  Stewrt Edged hi 
          a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~r ne t~ow I1,e o~a  n gr,~ on  n~emoeOiI0rya

   a 1    The 1BSU0, 05 Jn ý1  Cno, Ine  betwen the last  1,enP  t,

  "    "14q bP     7-aV on the one hafn,  involving o    boute
kill to ke,;t 
  he1OZ thik e11, -)ltion I "stiont    ad the ulfrormte ti btae t 
oethe Who woid ,ohi-t rll illin  e   h wih t see wall V*-awtt, 
   S rnee  th. intiQX¶A of over eiu iatlon, or thm  nalr.  of forage
 a t 
vep ilation; in othr  Vrdei thy zoopilea 
       Th upa t of this r,) rwSndeve wc  a s n ateIant prepa'ed fer 1'R 
or Diretos of the ruA ern - oy    eaiittn, definin the ismae. opd 
iiOh I enJCo On bleme 4 there ise nalinsion to e e National po rk Sv. 
it  ttitude o  this lunetiond tiah, of coise, has s far been that os  a y,

"     "hribt fn 'o all killime of fir (y h  to kill Gr  bes this
Gree  hiky 
an Yellowstone (my. p s I have eneao    t   oint oat the resulta of W eu>r

protction have beo strIkingy evdet ony wtinro p r d this tene 
pp ular  idea  of  absolute  pro ect  on  in  pek  rsp nt d  whtte  pulb]i
to na 
and till wet1 since they hav not, on the whole, ent ap with h i at  on 
       But out of this new conditio of rpid in~mase in gase over lag eX 
e~uteide of the  Nation'  rke, has erieef  definite  comlidtion  which t
 a in  t 
aituat ios of long a~andin, and a~ut Whi I can not lou~r potoe  di eos~n

       You opnd up this subject on   lt ssein& yo at you hoe in Norfo
 Raohford. It was evient tht you h been told sothin wh.ich did not a~ 
 with what I )ew to be facts1 and .d told aferwrd that ha a~acted n t g 
 tothe t with you then ari there beoaus frm    class ins~truton he knw w±

 I wou~ld thi.k e reason I did  ot aside fro the brief tim avalabl   weth

 3. know only too  i wh was res onible for this situation and that it wa
fa i 
 serious for m to tackle in any such aiary. 
       I cnined myself, theeFfor, to i~itg you in an effort to remae ®±h

preude agi t the Forest 3wvic by statin     what I sw to be th. facts mga

i the gener tin strtinesss, devni t t  public im  eet and efficiena