Copy to Grange 
                                              law Soils hI1ldlW 
                                              U8 ,. 2!h 
Mr. M    aes Mie s 
)mzets of Animal Popuatio 
Unvrst o no us etmt                               tt 
Oxford,1 Ihln 
Dar Alton# 
         Stda   ha et wa  tlA   abu t yu   tanod      st for 
Jay Darling a be3.p in h  w     *e rabbit imialry and r had alr4 written

him and I RL*. seat ym a        cpy  Iad  from Da  lin yosut.d  that e 
Itendus to do everythin he ca to help out with your project, I aswrn 
yo haewsent the quostionnir direct to him. I hve wucri~ticis of it. 
It owmr toa*# hwe, that it shuld. include not onl the la% stte*t 
whr #Aw*seae -    hak RI*. also Now 2g awl &MeNw York, whr thq7 
a   thin anM *  te     ts o ten nswl of restocking. 
         Noodless to. uW  Grage and Wing will want to do eyo~tin you 
wan then t.   vn   parltalarly bas a      v er eiled  e-W tor the last 
to years in Wscnsin. Althoug        eis w eisger cooeet   with the Un rity,

ho is* I - gla to may, vor actively o*beerving t* cycl and doing a l0t of

origial thinkiz about It, Just recently he told me aboat smos new deft* 
t1..e *1ld I consider wev valuable an whic I hope he will eot into prin.t

I am sending him a copy of this lott~er sivVy %V wV of es  additional prod

         Tb9 o repr~ints of tbo roeat r.wt In the Candian Field- 
Naturalist?7 If so, I hoep you will sma ms a few in ft. tueo. 
         Now bm on to ymr *aiw, Th Carl Salms Venauition hae offered 
to send se to Gww  end Austria for a stm6 of gm ~msnag   t this falls 
Th Pnivewsity hsnt yet i~roe, u        if It doee, I will be leaving aboat

Auget 1. 1 so k~g   of ows,* to drpIn on you awA Ki~d~lton for a 
cht sithRe on to vWee or, more pw*aby, an Reo wo back         I will kto

you po st*i, 
           Stodar  tllsa*hehada visitiwith yom. I anglad Rth~     o two 
                                 Yours sincerely# 
                                     In Chags, GaeRsac