      decreased the brood stock to a minimum. The black duck mate late 
      in February and early March and thousands of them have been killed

      in this State under the old law as late as April 10th which were 
      nesting birds and I have no doubt that some of them were mothering

      broods of young when killed. 
            Whistling swan and wild geese have shown a decided increase as

      the drought of 1929 and 1930 which so seriously affected the breed-

      ing grounds of the wild duck did not affect the breeding grounds of

      the geese and swan which is in the Arctic Zone, lying in the extreme

      northern portion of the Northwest Territories, and in the past hunt-

      ing season has furnished excellent sport to the wild goose hunter.

      The Federal law prohibits the hunting and killing of whistling swan

      at any time. 
            Our law does not provide that the hunter shall make a report

      of his kill of game. However, thru co-operation of the clubs hunt-

      ing wildfowl, we were able to secure information to the effect that

      56,433 wild ducks, 1,256 wild geese and 298 black brant were killed

      during the past season.   We estimate that there were at least 
      150,000 wildfowl killed during the season as this report is only a

      small percentage of the numbers of birds killed in our State."

      According to the following report of the Halifax County Fish &
Protective Association, the game situation particularly with respect to ducks

and geese is not so bad as it has been reported elsewhere:- 
            "The kill of moose to the number of 1248 and 1886 deer was

      reported to the Provincial Authorities. 
            Snipe were extremely scarce; woodcock about as usual, but 
      migration began early and reached its height by October 22nd. 
      Ducks were plentiful and geese are increasing in numbers. As the 
      members are aware, an interesting colony of upwards of 10,000 geese

      winters at Port Jolie - Port L'Herbert, and winter goose hunting has

      assumed considerable proportions there. Also, other harbors on the

      south cost of the Province are becoming the winter haunts of geese.

      One of these is Cole Harbor in this county. Quite probably the abo-

      lition of spring shooting is responsible for the increase in num- 
      bers which is apparent. 
            There was an open season of two weeks on ruffed grouse this 
      year, October 16th to 31st, the first in years. By precept and ex-

      ample the members of your Committee endeavoured to improve the ob-

      servance of the game laws - and there was muich to do as affecting

      grouse. We are of the opinion that in the City of Halifax, law ob-

      servance in this regard is improving, but we feel that there is much

      yet to be done, and we earnestly ask all members of the Association

      to keep watch and lend their efforts towards stamping out the rem-

      nants of the unfortunate practice of trafficking in game, particu-

      larly grouse, out of season. We believe that the united efforts of

      all our members can accomplish this in the city, and help greatly 
      in the rest of the Province." 
                                            ,W. T. WALLER, JR. 
                                                   DIRECTOR OF CONSERVATIOV