LAFAYETTE, INDIANA 
                   SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURI 
                      January 19, 1931. 
Mr. Aldo Leopold, 
Ann Arbor, Mich. 
Dear Leopold: 
                        Though I regret to say that we have 
not as yet been able to take up further with you our gradu- 
ate work in qu.l, nevertheless, we are still considering the 
subject of fish and game at this Institution. We hope to 
be able to at least establish some adequte instruction in 
this line and that it may develop into such a position that 
we can take up further with you the desirability of the es- 
tablishment of fellowship. 
                        Of course, I realize the fact that 
there may be no fellowships at such a time. 
                        I am anxious to find out what the 
Institute in New Jersey is doing along the line of fish and 
game, which I understand is the only institution in the coun- 
try giving a complete instruction in this field. 
                        Would you kindly give me their ad- 
dress in order that I may inquire further as to their curric- 
                            Very trulf yof 
                            Burr N. Prentice, 
                            Head of Forestry Dept.