PULLMAN, WASHI NGTON 
                                  love7ber I7, i.:8. 
   Professor Aldo Leopold 
   UniversLty of .iscnsin 
   aldison YFisconsin. 
   Dear Udo: 
               Uder seper-týe cover i an 'orarding to you  couy of
last inters inm1 
   deer survey aede by the _ý.ahirngton Game Departwnt. I        fsed
 or several copies, but 
   the Seattle o'fice is pr- sided over by a secretary in colmnd ofC Inn
 years Itanding. 
   She is an austere amd frugal soul , hýnce this one cfy waV the
best 1 could     o, and 
   my reuest for a copy of law enforcement regulations in stiff binding malde
at the 
   same t'me was )olitely but firmly met with tihe expianation that such
were re served 
   for pernanant members of the game protection force. I air perforce very
cont nted 
   with     ) aper bound set, already somewhat dog eared. You may keep tie
report -or three 
   weeks , which 1 hope '~ill g~ve you time to look it over. All in al 1
t ii    it a 
   very nice report for any state -ame departmient to produce in the fourth
y1r of tI ir 
   admainistrat ion. If you should agree you night  rite them to that effect
 nd perhaps 
   be favored with a copy for your files. 
             To bring your 1knoic-,ege of our activities up to date , know
t'at "e convened 
   earnestly over the week -nd with thek net result that th    ash-: on dame
   Unit soonsors three orojects.A cominlete investigation of 'ashington mle
der, thie 
   same for H1ungarian Partridge, and a diagnostic laboratory -'or identi
icatin of diseased 
   specimens cm lete the program. It took te coib ned effors of t' enty of
us to arrive 
   at this despite thf     that "c  LcQauey had stated clearly the week
before is almost 
   exclusive interest in i-ule deer, iungariinsand disease. Today,   fter
sj ni nr most of 
   t   f oAn'oon resisting atti is to make disease projects exclusivly out
of Cll of 
   the problems cited above, 'e manag d to agree and get them in shape for
   it no  a  ears that a se.?erate unit ray be created in addition to the
disease iork 
   originally - lanned , to be headed by anotIer r presentative o' the Purvey.
The Colle~ e 
   is iolding out for some degree of pa-ticipation in the pro{r'm     It
its a peculiar aId 
   vexing situation ,.ith no one knowing where h stands. To even get consid
ration of 
   a proposed project it is necessary to strip it down until it reads in
ef"'oct "n 
   investigation of Factors Influencing Abund'nce of'    e Deer in   ashingIon".
Any attemt 
   to give point to the description from a rna, eat stand- oint ivites d-
  s iu tifictinn 
   on t he grouinds of being too tech- ical. As a game ianager 1 f an y head
at the thought 
   of these project o tlin-s ever -etting in the hcd o" a technical1
Ln, yet ye no 
   choice if1 Iam to  -7ve ary par hatever i the program. 
             You will f'ind the above di'ficuit to reconcile  ith the very
   Value of the ,eport on l st years inter deer study. A    I ar'ntly the
state oa mind is 
   oree,'iat as falloy s. Environment i. be important bu   e cnnot do'nrthing
about it 
   io  I orr.   i shrton isdifferent, and none of' th  princi)les d veloped
   apply out aere. O5 coarse e en l1ant   -ursitrid ntata on oir overbro
ed winter 
   range and reduce t e amount of stock grazing but thý Is dif'I rent.

             The real reason ,°hy 1 'am venturting another letter wvit
out waitinug for a 
   ansier to the last 'nill no"- become aiarent. I have met Cinerson
in charge of' the 
   Oregon unit and talked over hispheasant program. e has results th    
inpres  i   as 
   little short oa startling if they stnd up md r critical ins1 ction. I
tall's ike 
   he knew what he wa about, but I have eard some criticisi. * e reports

mobility   of  phe as  ants  in  th. e lle'' tt  v  -l--y  _P so'e her  n
t e n igbo rhood ol 
  fifteen (15) miles. Seasonal mobility li cormonly fifty (so) miles 'nd
seve)ral bdigg 
  returns are between 2O0 and 500 mi   . All te above or t e bards ..  -
nd    t tuns.