File                                       Copies to Redington 
                       Februarr 4* 1930 
Mr. L. 7. Le. kresident 
0..edo.t&1 Lifo Insurwsa. Co. 
bloigh, North Caraolia& 
Dear Lu"neet 
        I appreci a very ;=h joar lottin     know about th 
propos d traini  groud for airbplns on the Carolina Unks. 
nfortuialy1   I have no personal ftmiliavity with this country, 
but I can rea4,l see thst there s1ght be great Inrferenc 
with  aterfowl.  I as taking the iberty of forwaring your 
letter to Mr. Vash Bki       of the Amrics  Wildfowlere, L.a 
Builingu, Waebiaton, D.C., whom I thinic knows aboumt this Vegiou 
v411 and who Is In a posiUL.) to mo'bilise action on this question 
of Intorferenae. Mr, lunkliham anad Panl heingt,) ar  the tw 
people best situated to dea4 oonsideration of the wterfowl 
  resorceIn a case of this kind.. You wA heur from Mr. Suck, 
i~he. 4irt, for from Dr. John C. Phillipse who is president 
of the fildfowlers. 
                             Your* sincerely, 
                                   ALDO LROPO0Z 
                              In Charge, Game Su