tbakt Dr. L0. Girn of tbo Valiveoty of        too       a1i for 
&A iatanslV* stu of  uffe           all rele malai     which w11 
noc0s61117 include sowhloe rambl.ts, especialy in th.1.w relsti~    to 
tularoia. Altso the U. S. Biological Suve ha     reently stat ioa    a 
man at the UniveWrsit  of Minnesota under the je~nyflr         ill, who 
wil rrobably be stuin    o  ho  rabbits    their reltion to foreat. 
Soth of these piecs of wr are so nearly Canaaila     in their g 
that I would sest the closest cooperatio betwee them an      aythi 
Oteh mq be stzrted by Canadisa instittis. 
        A fuller ezposeitti of th reaso for os rbbit study is oc 
taiaoA in the report of te Own Srey of Wie-ein, of whLih I will b 
gad to loa you a  op for readin  if 7y mat it.  I am not pwmiA 
to snd you 0ne right away, beue it isa lensthy domet, an           I do 
not wat     to pros   on your tim to that extent. It is raly very 
diff iilt to present a full !    on pper to you. About all I ca 
4d at this tim* is to toll yrawhat the GOroa  Omitto    wated me to do 
an  to follow up an hlep I csa got in the evet ar OaCadian lnstitittlou 
should vant to foLllow the reoommadýatlo of the Grouse Coittee. 
                                    Tours slwoly, 
A= 1 "D