C (oont.) 6 
  p. 633 
  p. 388 
  cooks and 8 hens toet out in -ast -rs-sian forest, 
"ine T3emerkW- uIber .olimisation vou 
v. 3. 30@roer 
Author rejponsible for 911 export from Jormy. 
Diffieultee.: lonk- journey, birds only allowed to be 
               c...ht in Auto, so winter before they 
               arrive, often set free in forests in 
               "bed vee ther. 3bj) trnnsport muoh better 
               t1in rail. Birds should never be sent 
Fertility in oalt!ivit - first years laid -9-11 eý-ggs, 
atrfwerth              13. Old hens often 1aid7-11 
twice a year. 
I reoeutions: lot Auerhenne make own nest and hatch eggs. 
              Where BrtwilA is near, .g-s cn be put 
              under pheasant. 
              The ran must be 8selous - divided into 
              as yand night run - lItter roofed - with 
              open door between, If the niight is spent 
              in the open run, daer of fright -from 
              oats, owls, etc. -irds fly to wal's ann¶ 
              rosy he kMlled by ebch other. 
              7h dy run ebould be planted 'besetsen-ý 
              with pines or firs. - baert not liviner 
              trees but only etrong brnches which 
              can be cfned when they h-ve been eoten 
              o ff. 
 ?od in osýý.it    Twige of pines, fire, Junipers - 
             .1ir& nourishment cut up apples.  lien 
             these :et sroee - willow twits with 
             catkins. - all kinds of -srden end wood 
             berries, but only fresh- ferented very 
  p. 614          fboow of. b. k.     Ieyer: Unser Auer-Iekel-ua 
            '    1.ýI 7ohl: illustre ted. 
p:     -u  uame brAtende Auerhennen. 
notee from 7itje-:oWn.The 7Kxer iltein 3ootland. 
Vdinbareh, If 97. 
The lost bird found in  tratl*uless, nest in pine tree, 
In T2kl*nA, birds nested in pine. 
p. 4F6