Division of Ca..  Maawmat                             J-ig 2, 1935 
             Dr. Rliph X. De1=7 
             Dominion Observtory 
             OttAu, 065. 
             Dear D. D*Ia.- s 
                      I read yo  remet *usot paper with itens 
             Interest. If you have a "r  copy# I wish you would 04 
             it to Dr, Hrbert hup, Arnol Arboretum, Jamaica Pl1   *a, 
                       In & r  t paper D. lap has some very go 
             evide   of. tendn    t     oder climate in Now I       . 
             I thouht this would interet you particularly in comparison 
             with trend established   other botanists towad as 
             .andder climate In the cental reion. If there be su. 
             a 4 diffeental,~ It might corespond to the seaat differ- 
             Stial reported In yr paper. 
                                      Tours sincofrs 
                                              Aldo Lepol 
                    Vh                 Pr~ofessor of Game Mangeemmt