Oct. 2, 1931 
.'.r. 1u. J. Tacker, Secretary 
State Game, Fish aned ,ter Comsiesion 
Austin, Texas 
Dear Bill1 
           I stopped to see Mr. Olin on my way back from Hot 
 8-pr1n,- anM he nas favorable to the pro-oial to feel out the 
 possibilities of a  me su.rvey of Texas in accordance rith our 
           Tn the meanwhile, 1mwer, io-a has definitely made 
up her minq to cooperate in a survey, and I rill be tied up for 
the greater part of the time until Jamiary 1. 
           I think th'ere is a very rood probability thiat I can 
crme to Texas either the last half of Deceber or in Jamary to 
feel out the pos;ibiitles with you In orgaizing a Amirvey there. 
If the p-roject 8till soids attractive to yo., I -ill try to lay 
my plans accordingly. 
                                 .Yours incorely, 
                                   In Chargre, Game 3q