country with such natural beauty:-Woodlands-Fields-Pastures-and Running
        "Ellerslie", shown here, will be your home while you are
my hunter-guest. Every effort will be made to insure 
    your comfort and pleasure on this famous old Southern Plantation. During
the hunting season, December 1st to Feb- 
 ruary 15th. 
        The residence is equipped with modern conveniences of electric lights-hot
and cold running water-bath-- 
    heat-reception room-bed rooms-etc., etc. Good cooks and servants are
at your service. Guides and saddle horses 
Sare furnished free. 
        Located on the Scenic Highway-U. S. 61-130 miles north of New Orleans,
and 5 hours from most of the famous 
    Duck Shooting Clubs on the Gulf Coast. 
        Requests for further information, terms, etc., should be addressed
                                                             E. M. PERCY,

                                                    Fi      Parish,     
              Plettenberg, Louisiana. 
                                                    F XE BURDEN, NC. 
       Quail Shooting 
               HE GREATEST OUTDOOR SPORT -          On 
                 8000 acres in one solid block in the rolling 
                 uplands of West Feliciana Parish, Louis- 
iana. Well stocked with Bob Whites. 
    Here are hunting attractions rarely available. This loca-  ( 
tion has a areat s-nortin g rpneittionn  Rarelyv doesr .one f