Mr. Itbrts Ua 
Oook Omati 7lost ?owv. Distvit* 
Quingus Square 
River or.t, Illiaois 
,r Mr- . Maus 
         I ws      inerested  n t   pr, oposal 
to apply Pitts    Wtna funds t the p        of 
refuges containing~ rare plants. Itso happn    that 
we have just loset out on the vlwl~e Grove prairie 
area  and if P     hbw-o~otso. funds had been avai1- 
able the otooe aight have beon different. If 
sucooee in getting an O.K. from the Bioo1gical Daqe 
I woud   eciate your lottin   e  ow, sice I 
thin  the prednt woul be of    mt Irtawe, 
         With best re  s, 
                       Si~oeres y younr, 
                            Aldo LeopeU 
                    Professor of Wildlife 11m.maet1