assoc ic tions have r eooi enaed a open sea son on both 
      male ulid 1'female deer X elk. nl the VCst s1ide 01f 
      the kG~est w;ith the e~co tion of. ,fwelve  iil  2 !L~ojon, 
      the stoclcnen have not suffecred 1.rom excess numbers of~ 
      sa-e anmlals.  It is y opinion that both the deer and 
      elk winter on t  east side of the divide and drift 
      over on the ert sL te aurin, the su  r and fall   It 
      is evident also that the heaviest diage occurs on the 
      w inter rane s." 
         in 19ob dvi: i ord cxmbors of. the 2velve Jic 
      C. ' H. As ociati~on r~ode eith igner C~ox  id .... , sLi ' 
      over 't"e cattI anes bet eon te 5th    ad 10th  f eay. 
      U: t. at  time  '.e  ch illenged  the  steersmeun  to  s. ...h.e...

      deer had taken sng fuo e tha~t t he catt e ould eat at1 
      it was only af'ter t~e c losest mns c Lion t~it e fotw~ 
      whore any plants had becn touch0d. Last 130 son .eer 
      Cox and i r e