Occurrence of the Wild Turkey in 
Louisiana                      -        -        -        -             
  State Forester 
HE wild turkey in 
    Louisiana, as well as 
    in all Southern 
States, thrives best in the 
natural forested regions 
that have a good ground 
cover of shrubs and 
grasses. The undercover 
of a forest is particularly 
valuable for the propaga- 
tion of wild turkeys as the 
greatest amount of food 
the turkeys utilize is the 
berries and seeds from 
several of the trees and 
many of the bushes. 
  As a forest engineer 
operating in the Southern 
states for twenty-two years 
in Louisiana, it has been mý 
during this period. A fores 
pass and field book and ci 
into the virgin forest and dense second growth. It was in these areas ti

I encountered the many flocks of turkeys. It is the old story of seeing 
much game when one does not have a gun. 
   About ten years ago, it was my good fortune to assist in raising 
two flocks of wild turkeys in my former home parish of Winn. At that 
time I was in charge of a logging operation and out in the deep woods 
we had a railroad junction where we transferred our feed from one 
car to another. In transferring the sacks of chops, many of the sacks 
leaked from a handful to a half gallon of broken corn. During the spri 
months, while waiting for my work train to arrive to pick up the tra: 
railroad switch and fed on 
I was able to count eleven ci 
before I was noticed. It 
was interesting to note 
when my presence was 
observed how the old hen 
disappeared in the brush 
and the chicks partly fol- 
lowed her and stopped, 
crouching flat to the 
ground. I remained quiet 
for a half hour and it was 
interesting t o h e a r t h e 
way the hen called Nher 
chicks and the way they 
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answered her and gradu-                   Haunt. ot)the 'Mld Turkey In Louisiana.

July, 1932