b, DisadwteU 
         0. Le~41. 
     8. Fall otgt.-ion 
     9, Wjnter hIbttAt (fotureas 
     10., Qo-a-risono of      h of thp Jener-l .AbIs of *a-e  *x 
        wiAb eoue of the generpl ti-bit  of nrai~re ohtcke"n  ý

   SChan+rter V,, ,  k 
     1. Nature of 
     2. Varieties od   inds 
     3. 7riporttone 
     1. Eoolo~ioazly 
     2. Intrasoift ally 
         a. ~Gr-trtous 
         b. Monomorhto 
         c, ''ay be polyandrist, poor mt, or ono       ltA 
     3. Aceoctvtee of the erie o)e 
         a. Proof of the i OolatIO 
         b. Vrlaje of aesoOtaitio 
         7. Deslription In each coas 
         d. Pictures 11here nosstble 
         e. Sige -rrouse and men 
     4, 7nemt-es Of     rouse 
         b. Deaori)Vton in e.oh -se 
         o, Ptotures where poesible 
         d, Ontrol, of enmies 
     8. Pxternal and Internal Parasites 
p._    tex VTI. Ysttors wich effet the .  o.r. t IL.t e. 
   Habitat of se _e 