3 UAve=* 
Mr. Kennth~ Beeho 
Area Forester 
La4yzith, Wisconsuin 
Dar Mr.   ecl 
          Tour exr.ly Intereutin  letter of March 24 is r ived. You 
have doae come real tb  ng and obsvation on this problm of moe d4age 
to har   ewood repr aeton, and I would Il  very w     to talk the thin over

with youf   th. 
          Tere is, of course, no predator vic    can do mch effective control

work *aile the sow in dp a  d we mast probaly accept the fact that there

will be hig mouse years   pite ayin we oa do to inrease their predatoy 
enmie. It it certainly thinkable, hewver. tht the iatensity and duratioa

of the highs miht be appreciably out down by better policy    n predators
fur and even by the deliberate 'maagatO of the mst effetive predator*. 
S    work m  t coovao  ly be focused In plaes and tim     where harod 
epodhetion is   pertaat. 
          In this ecaetiom we ast also kep In mind Wallace Grange's ide 
tat rodent dee to       odutioa often f    etions as a beneficl thinani 
sigent. Ho has this in mind particlarly In   he relation of sno    oes to

jackin   tbhikete. 
          I ould 1in to see you     furher obsertions on this uatter, 
particularly on the impondIngdw-rd of the cycle, and then publish your 
th=4ýhts and conclusion. If you can. us* as fwtr the procses of getting

yr    ataor for placn your cycle report. I will be more ta h  y    be 
at you  servie. 
          I m a-sadi a copy of this letter to the Dartent, 
                                   Your* sincerely, 
                                          Aldo Leopold 
                                   Professor of Gae, Vanageaient